Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 4, 2012 – Spicy Breaded Turkey with Tomato and Kale Stalks

Saturdays are typically very hectic days for me.  I often have a lunch date or a coffee date or errands to run or recovery needed and then following all of that up with a nighttime activity.  Even more often Saturdays are full of me leaving town and visiting people or having people in town visiting me.  When I woke up on THIS fantastic Saturday I had a day free ahead of me until birthday celebration time for my dear friend Chris in the evening.  I wanted to go get a library card, my one “this is a thing that I need to make sure I get done today” event.  After spending some time with my coffee and reading, showering, and  interneting I pulled myself up and went on an adventure.  I have a few disposable cameras (yes kids, that’s right they are old school) and I grabbed one that was mostly full and went for a walk to procure myself a liberry card.   Needless to say that the joy of walking through my beloved city snapping photos of some of my favorite places and signing my name on the dotted line for a free library card left me a mite hungry.  When I got home I decided to throw together some sort of tasty dish that would warm me up and restore my nutrients.

Spicy Breaded Turkey with Tomatoes and Kale Stalks – from my  brain
  • 1 portion turkey – check
  • ¼ cup breadcrumbs – check
  • 1 tsp red pepper flakes – check
  • 1 large tomato – check
  • 1 tsp oregano – check
  • 4-5 Kale stalks – check

Step 1: Preheat the oven to 400F.  Place the breadcrumbs and the red pepper flakes in a Ziploc (or your neighborhood clearance brand version).  Shake and bake the turkey.  Well, shake the turkey in the Ziploc then put into your baking dish.
Step 2: Wash and quarter the tomato, if there is any bad spots cut those out.  Sprinkle the tomato with oregano. Place on top slash around the edges of the baking dish.
Step 3: Set the Kale stalks into the baking dish.  Bake for 35-40minutes or until it looks amazing.
Step 4: Defrost and toast a pre-made bun.  Consume this delightful meal.

This turned out quite well!  The turkey was not as spicy as I wanted it to be, but the tomato was SO DELIGHTFUL I can’t even fully begin to describe it.  And Kale stalks, have an extra bite to them.  Really what a delightful dish to finish my lazy Saturday afternoon!  Now onward and upward to celebration town!

This foodsperiment gets a +5 for taste, +5 for ease, +5 for easy cleanup (as the baking dish also served as my plate), +5 for freshness, and +5 for tomatoes being GREAT for your skin! Happy Sperimenting!


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