Wednesday, June 29, 2011

June 28, 2011 – Four Cheese Pizza

I’ve been thinking about pizza ever since I discovered there was a pizza pan residing in my house, and as it doesn’t belong to me I’d have to make the pizza prior to moving out.  I still felt pretty exhilarated from the weekend of cooking and delight, and I thought “if I don’t do it on Tuesday it won’t happen.”  I knew I had Romano cheese, and feta, and I figured that to make a pizza for just me would be kind of useless so I asked my roommate Sarah if she’d be interested in pizza for dinner. Hurrah! She was!
I found the dough recipe on (of course) and it was a non-rising dough so it would be quick.  It called for:
  • Flour - check
  • Yeast - check
  • White sugar – check
  • Water – check
  • Veg oil – check
The dough took about five minutes to make.  It got a little not sticky enough, and when I added water it got a little too sticky but I managed.  I also wish that I had a rolling pin (well to be fair I do but it’s packed away ready to be moved into my new apartment this weekend).  All in all I got the dough onto the pan without it slipping too much into the cracks, and then put together the sauce.  I used sauce out of a bottle, for convenience sake (much to the chagrin of VLynn) but added to it minced garlic, and oregano.  We topped the pizza with the Romano and feta, and Sarah added in parmesan and muenster.  FOUR CHEESES!  It only took about 25min in the oven and it baked up nicely!
I quite enjoyed it, even though it looked a little less like a pizza than I'd prefer.  Next time I’d try to spread the dough a bit thinner, and probably put more sauce and more cheese but it was still fabulous.  Roommate Gretchen declared “it tastes like I’m in Chicago!”  I will take that as a compliment.
This foodsperiment gets a +8 for taste, +5 for simplicity, +8 for roommate bonding, and +4 for decent cleanup.  I’d also give it a +8 for having leftovers I can eat tonight after the Phils game! Huzzah!

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